
Hello and welcome to the RC Microswitch blog.

Please note that this blog is no longer kept up-to-date. Please goto our website at: for a full list of our products and for on-line purchasing.

Specialists in Accessories for Radio Control including; RC Switches, Auto Levellers and Failsafes as well as other useful items. Apart from the Auto Leveller and our Depth Controller, all our products are suitable for all forms of RC applications including; RC planes, trains, cars and boats.

Here you can view full details of all our products and also purchase any product via PayPal.


All our products use the latest technology and incorporate mosfets rather than mechanical replays to perform the switching, so they are faster and have no contacts to wear or burn out. They are also small enough to fit into the smallest of applications. 

Most of our products are unique and whilst there may be similar products available, none offer the functions we offer for our prices, which are the lowest you will find for any compatible product! 

Our products have been been thoroughly tested and developed over many years and well over 200 of each unit has been sold and are in use worldwide! 

All our switches incorporate a failsafe which can be used to set the switch to turn on or off a circuit. This is ideal for RC Subs to control a solenoid or pump to blow ballast for example. All our switches also provide user selectable 'momentary' or latched' switching, or a combination of both which is available with our Dual Function Switcher. 

Our stand alone failsafe will control either a servo or a circuit or both. 

Our Auto Pitch Controller (auto leveller) is designed specifically for RC Subs to keep the sub on an even keel and is designed to control the pitch automatically without input from the user, but full manual override is provided just by moving the transmitter stick if required. This unit can also be used for other applications like lateral stabilisation of large RC boats, and has also been used on model sailboats/dinghies to control the movable ballast. 

Please view our products and feel free to contact us for further information any product or download our brochure/pricelist from this site.